Saturday, November 29, 2008

Up, up and away

My little Oliver Isaac. Our little laughter boy. His high to low emotions are transferring to a high to to low mobility. Under a chair, over a barrier, through a tight spot, and now...high on his feet. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have thought his strength would support his desires for mobility but he has proven me wrong ten times over.

I have not yet gotten used to him cruising around the house, but he is not waiting for my adjustment. His determination has brought him to his feet. Yikes!

Go go go little Ollie!


Mainely Me said...

Oh Dear! Go, Ollie, Go, just not too fast. I love you, Little Guy.

Aaron and Joy Edewards said...

Have fun with that!!!!!

Eyes_Wide_Open said...

I love the picture with the mirror and the big boys in the background.

He is definitely mobile now.

Sheri said...

He's one determined little guy. Wait till he's on wheels!!!!
Love you Ollie!

Jess said...

Good luck! I always love it when they're immobile . . . it gets a little crazy once those legs start moving!!

Kellie said...

Oh so cute! I can't wait to see you Ollie!

Anonymous said...

I was just referred to your blog and are researching an agency you used (Dove). We have five wonderful kids (2 of them adopted blessings...Russia and Ethiopia) and are currently researching for a second Ethiopian adoption. If you have a moment, do you think you could shoot me an email?
Your children are precious!!!!
Having a Blast in Christ,