I know, I have dropped from my regular posts. I always do this in the winter. Dark days cast hardly enough light into our windows for fun photography and dragging my children outside only prolongs their
seemingly constant colds.
A new dawn has risen in my photography world and, for the first time since my grandpa Kenny's Cannon AE1, I have an SLR with 50mm lens...great for capturing low light situations (or at least better than what I have had).
The babies have been particularly difficult these last few days as they both battle ear infections, but that didn't stop me altogether from playing with my new toy. (Just please excuse the sad pictures...there is a lot of that around here in the babyworld lately.)
I will admit (and you can see) this 1.8 f stop is tough to get used to. Tips would be appreciated on focusing.

Maxwell Affection
The runners up

First Spaghetti



Best Friends

Cheerios trump bread

I see the light



"What do we have to do to get into their club?"

Okay, Max, you can flush now!
(explanation: the boys like to pretend that the empty wading pool is a toilet. Max has his hand in the "handle position" and is ready to flush...which sends them running round and round to the drain.)

Brotherly Love (old camera)

"Mom, better come quick...there's a crocodile in your sink!" (old camera)

Waiting for Daddy (old camera)
What's YOUR favorite?
I know very little about photography technicalities so I can't comment on that, but as for a favorite photo, it's impossible to choose!
I really like the story behind the 'you can flush now' photo:)Those two!
No need to comment on technique. I don't post my favorite technical ones anyways. I like them for the story. Isn't that what a picture is about anyways?
The "favorite" on this page is slightly out of focus, but that's okay. I love the picture.
What do we have to do to get into their club...that was my favorite!!!
I like "Touch" and "Best Friends."
I'll tell you a few things that I have learned. But you have to come over. I'm horrible with explaining on the internet.
How do I possibly pick a favorite?! I love Max giving Noah a hug, best friends, and the two babies peeking in the baby gate. I love how you capture everyday life!
Yay for the new camera, Jodi is back!!
You can adjust the aperture to something like 2.8 and you'll still be able to shoot in pretty low light but get a wider depth of field.
My favorite is the what do we have to do to get into their club!
Jordyn and Jackson are still talking about "You Can Flush Now"! They loved it and want to play again. Maybe we can take a walk down ther this afternoon if it is not too cold. I will bring warm clothing and we can bundle up a bit better this time.
I like Maxwell affection. Too cute! So I'm up for the Gilbert House whenever you are . . . I am motivated to start doing some more fun stuff with my kiddos. While they love our trips to Nordstroms & Target, I highly doubt they count much as a "fun kid day." =) Hope your little guys get well SOON! Ear infections are the worst.
waiting for Daddy and best friends. But don't ask me for a favorite. So good to see pictures of all of you when we're so far away.
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