I am...a homeschooling mom of five kids who wants to withdraw her son (against recommendation) from a public school program. Let's just say I thought it best to be in full composure lest I fuel questions of my ability to teach.
Had I known it was only going to be a five minute meeting I might have taken them...but after the previous day at Classical Conversations (where Noah wet his pants then threw a fit of embarrassment following which Ollie refused to let me leave the room) it just seemed better to go alone.
I guess I feel somewhat of a need to guard what people think of homeschooling. Coming into a meeting with four boys can often go very well. On the other hand, on the wrong day it can be a disaster. On days I know schooling will be brought up, I try to avoid the disastrous times.
Homeschooling. You just can't understand it until you do it. To some people it is admirable. To others it is wrong. To most people...its just weird. For us, it works.
And today I was present as Jake had a light bulb moment in math. :)
Side note: The teacher was very supportive about my wanting to continue Max's speech therapy at home and I did get some nice quite time in the car driving back and forth from Corvallis to Albany to shuttle the kids to Aunt Janine's. I highly recommend the program through the school system. At least the one in Albany. :)
Being there for those light bulb moments made it all worth while for me....I miss it still.
Mom, aren't you still here for your "lightbulb moments"?
Jodi - while i know that I can not homeschool, I admire anyone who does and who strives to tailor it to their children, who does it because they desire to teach their children, as I know you do.
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