Friday, January 16, 2009

Some Photos for Friday

Some appease distant relatives/friends. Not the best, but nonetheless...they give a snapshot into our life.


Help five year old with school, check.
Help 3 year old with "school", check.
Watch two babies: oops

Tea is done!

NO! DON'T take the mullet!

The Rody

Getting dressed

Brotherly Love

The four...take what you can get!

Max picked up a book and sat down unprompted. Amazing moment!

Drawing his "playmobil set"


Sheri said...

makes me want to give them all a squeeze. Could they be any cuter?

Is the camera doing it's job?!

The Singlers said...

The boys are so cute.

Samantha too has found books and puzzles at our house. We have a corner that is always messy at the end of the day.

Czarnecki Family said...

Cute pictures! I wanted to ask you more about your nursing experiences - my email is if you're open to questions!
-Meghan Czarnecki

JPB said...

Great pictures. I have hardly had my camera out the past month.

Kellie said...

awesome! I love the mullet pictures :)

I have been on the edge of my seat wanting to know if you've gotten your camera yet. You will let us blog readers know right?!

Unknown said...

Oh I will let you know!