Yes, there are times when I want to throw our (slightly dysfunctional) computer through our single paned windows (I know I could do it!); but after Joy's post, I have come to a new appreciation for this amazing piece of modern convenience and innovation (or at least I don't feel like I should be so impatient with it). So I will NOT complain that the speed of my computer is about at dial-up level,(hey...there was a time not that long ago in which dial up was amazing!) OR that by installing a new Firefox update my bookmarks somehow disappeared into the land or invisible waves.
I will simply ask all of you who read my blog to post a comment so that I can reintroduce your blogs to my bookmark page and thus continue to participate in this amazing "life-following" game of blogging. That really is one of the greatest reasons why I appreciate this machine. By its allowing us to connect, share and keep in touch with far off (or near) family, friends and, yes, even "internet acquaintances."
Ours is
Hope you're having a good day!
I see you're doing well staying with in your time constraints during lent season. Good job, Jodi! (and yes, I really did check out the times posted!) I'm so glad you're still posting!
Not that I'm a true blogger, but on occasion you may find something new at
Sorry about the loss of bookmarks! It happened to me once and when I had them re-established, I made a backup copy. Not fun to loose them.
That recently happened to me but it was the crash of a tiny finger on just the right buttons that sent my bookmarks into space unknown.
Ours is - thanks for blogging - I love to read yours!
-Meghan Czarnecki
Technology, with all it's quirks, is amazing, but such a pain in the butt at times :) I'm glad we have Tyler! He's our computer wizz...and he's saved our gizmo a few times from being chucked out the window by me!
You know me.
My firefox update did the same thing!! ours is
I, too, enjoy the contact we have through cyberspace.
Love you, sis.
Very frustrating...Argh
I've been following your blog for a while now! I don't think I've ever commented before....feel free to check ours out.
I've been reading for awhile, but I'm not sure I've commented. Now I have :)
Being able to connect over many miles is nice - I like computers....
hehehe...too funny. ours is
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