Monday, January 18, 2010

Overheard: working it all out

Max: "I love God SO much I wish I could SEE Him."

Jake: "Are you sure? I love God, but I don't want to see Him because then you will DIE!"

Max: "SOMEday I will see God"

Jake: "Yeah....but you will already be dead because it will be in heaven....and you can't die twice."

Max: " can be BORN twice!"

Jake: "Hmmm...I don't know Max. Go ask mom."


Kellie said...

That is so cute! Wow, it's amazing how much they already know at such a young age. They have great teachers :)

Sheri said...

Many smiles coming from these grandparents. they come because it was the cutest conversation but also because of the wisdom they already have at such a young age. I'm with Kellie - they have great teachers - and I couldn't be more happy to know that!!!!
I want to see God too, Max.

Mainely Me said...

Oh, Max, I want to see Him, too. You just keep loving Him. One day all the questions will be answered.

Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Love it.

The whole "born again" concept freaks Dominic out.

He's a bit young, I suppose.

Jill said...

Such little theologians!