Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Still life: "Accepting Geda"

Sometimes I am prompted to take pictures of still life scenes which appear around our house. I am often struck by how clearly these images paint a picture into our daily life.

Today...after juggling finances around for over a week...we were able to accept the referral of little Geda! I sat down during nap time to fill out the necessary papers and restep the financial footwork I had choreographed in the days before. I tossed the confiscated toys from my pocket and wiped the effects of the yogurt fight off the table (neglecting the yogurt on the magazine). I managed to finish the paperwork (and my cold coffee) just seconds before Oliver woke up with a hungry cry. At least I finished!

It is pictures such as these which I know, in ten years, I will look back on with the greatest of fondness. It is pictures such as these which cause me, even today, to love the constant noise, crying, laughing, and messiness of my daily life. These are the still lifes of motherhood.


Eyes_Wide_Open said...

That is priceless. I need to start doing this more often. You've inspired me sis. I remember last year when we were trying to get family pictures, I couldn't get Dominic to put down his Thomas train. JJ said, "Well, that's Dominic. Let him hold onto it. If you take it out of the picture, it wouldn't be 'real life.'" And I thought about how true that was. He almost ALWAYS has a train or car in his hand. And looking back at those pictures, I'm glad we let him hold it.

JPB said...

Excellent post. Excellent comment. Real life.