Why is the mail so slow when one is waiting for something to come.
It is worse than watching the pot for your water to boil. ...Of course, I have never been terribly excited for water to boil...
At least not as excited as I am to get my new camera!
Rebel XSi with the 50mm lens.
Thanks, Kellie, for the camera help!
Now speed that mail truck up! (yes, truck not plane. Free shipping...not lovin' that very much right now).
I feel your pain. I got the XTi before Christmas and it was torture waiting!!! Hope it comes soon! I love the Rebel!
Oh, I wish you hadn't posted this. Now Jon is going to want a new camera!
I look forward to seeing your shots!
I wish you hadn't posted it either.
Now I'M going to want another camera. No, not really.
But I would like another new lens. ;)
Can you say "Birthday Money", Janine! :-)
Congrats on the new camera!
Okay Janine, you have practically the same camera...with the same lens.
Jen, I would like to see what Jon could do with a new camera! Maybe he could make some money selling his shots!
Yay! I'm so happy for you! Thank you Josh for letting Jodi get her camera, she NEEDS it :)
loved hanging out with you guys, we miss you already!
Yes...he gave me some of his money for tools. What a nice man!
Repentantly: "I know...:
Janine sheepishly walks away from computer
"...but I'd love a better zoom lens."
I DID SAY I didn't need a new camera. Didn't you read that? Just want a new lens.
Want want want...need need need.
I am having fun with my 50mm though. Can't wait so we can compare notes.
Birthday money Jen? Will someone give me some?
Yes. I read that.
It is the desire to get something, isn't it! I know that feeling!
Now for the saving of free money! Zoom or speed light...
Good thing I have a long time to decide!!!
Let me know if you find out who passes out the birthday money!
Free money?
Didn't yo mama ever tell you there's no such thing as free money?
I'll remember than when I receive a gift...hmm...what are they wanting out of this?
I hope that YOU will be able to sell some of your pictures with that new, fangle-dangle camera and lense.
(Any one with a camera like that must be good at photography! Right?)
B. S.
Making money with the camera he HAS was the initial "selling" point with me...While I do have some nice artwork out of the deal, the money hasn't exactly been pouring in.
Hmm...I see.
Yeah, well deep down I know all of you with your fancy cameras are jealous of my point and shoot and the great pictures, or are my kids just cuter. Ha, Ha.
Well, after five years of point n shoot, I am thrilled to be leaving it behind for awhile. (although I think I will use my other one as well until it dies).
As for the cute kids, well, I guess that is in the viewfinder of the photographer cause mine look pretty darn adorable through this lens :)
Joy, I think Aaron's manner of sarcasm is rubbing off on you!
Yeah, no kidding. Aaron could have written that.
I'll be blunt.
I don't want a point and shoot.
I'm not jealous.
My kids are cute...r...something like that.
I almost didn't see it ... evals and all. I'm getting a new camera.
Be sure to shop around...I got a great deal. However, it still hasn't been shipped. I hope it is not a scam.
It ended up costing right around what I paid for my last camera.
I'm so happy for you! Good man, Josh, for sharing your money (did I really say that about his wife?!...) You make me smile.
Hehehe....I am waiting impatiently for vibrapods for my washer and dryer... My hubby is a canon man as well. He has the 20D...but of course now he wants the Canon 5D Mark II. I feel I am surrounded by camera lovers...
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