Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Vote for Gordon Smith!

7:00am I picked up the cell phone to begin the now routine process of getting through to the National Visa Center. It took me 25 tries this time before I got put on hold. Finally, a man picked up the phone...he didn't sound like he was in as bad a mood as the previous morning. I have gotten quite good and the process.

"This is for an adoption: I don't have a case number."

Man: "Thank you for telling me that!"

Petitioners name. Social security number. date of birth.


Man: "Let me put you on hold for a minute."

VERY long pause.

Man: "Mam? I talked to my supervisor and your case will be sent to Ethiopia today."

Now, I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but the day after I called the lady at Sen. Smith's office, our paperwork suddenly showed up. I would have voted for Senator Smith anyways. But still, I thank him and his office for being willing to help in these matters.

As soon as our agency confirms that the embassy in Addis has received our papers, we will get a travel date. Looks like the middle of July. We are praying we will be here when Jon and Jen and family comes out for their visit.

Praise God for answered prayers. I can't explain what it is like to have our son so far away, but I can only say I am doing good not to fall apart.


Rebecca said...

Wonderful news! Your dedication and persistance sure paid off. That was a huge hurdle...congrats. It is amazing the way the Lord gives us what we need just at the right time. Keep hangin' in there...

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! Hopefully you'll come to the end of this long road soon.

Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Woo to the hoo!

Good old Gordon.

Anonymous said...

God's timing is perfect! Hang in there Noah, you'll soon meet your family!!!!